Sidecar metadata YAML file reference

Every notebook in a Times Square GitHub repository has an associated sidecar metadata file. These files have the same path and name as the notebook, but with a .yaml extension.

This page explains the contents (schema) of the sidecar metadata files. For a more general introduction to authoring notebooks for Times Square, see How to write a notebook for Times Square.

Example file

Example sidecar metadata file.
title: Weather
description: Synopsis of weather conditions for an observing night.
  - name: Jonathan Sick
    slack: jonathansick
  - night-reports
  - demo
    type: string
    description: Night (YYYY-MM-DD)
    default: "2024-01-08"
    type: integer
    description: Another parameter
    default: 42
    minimum: 0
    maximum: 100

YAML field reference


(string) This is the title of the notebook as it appears in the Times Square UI.

It should be fairly short because it is displayed in a narrow column.

The name can be contextual with the notebook’s directory path (and repository name and even GitHub organization name).


(Markdown string, optional) This is the description of the notebook as it appears in the Times Square UI. The description can be formatted as Markdown to include links to other URLs.


(array of objects, optional) A notebook can have multiple authors. Each author is an object with the following fields:

  • name (string) The name of the author.

  • slack (string, optional) The Rubin Slack username of the author.

  • email (string, optional) The email address of the author.

  • affiliation_name (string, optional) The name of the author’s affiliation.


(array of strings, optional) A notebook can have multiple tags. Each tag is a string.


(mapping of objects, optional) A notebook can have multiple parameters. A parameter is a user-configurable value that is set in the notebook when it is executed. For more information about parameter types, see Parameter types.

The name of each parameter is the Python variable name that is set in the notebook. Thus each parameter name must be a valid Python variable name.

For example:

Valid parameter names
    type: string
    format: date
    default: 2024-02-01
    type: string
    default: 2024-02-29
Invalid parameter names
  start date:
     type: string
     format: date
     default: 2024-02-01
     type: string
     format: date
     default: 2024-02-29

Each parameter is an object with the following fields:

  • type (string, required) is one of:

    • string

    • integer (whole number)

    • number (floating-point number)

    • boolean

  • format (string, optional) is a format string that describes the expected format of the parameter value. Specify date for date parameters and date-time for date-time parameters.

  • default (string, required) is the default value of the parameter.

  • description (Markdown string) is the description of the parameter as it appears in the Times Square UI.

  • minimum (integer or number, optional) is the minimum value of the parameter, for numeric parameters.

  • maximum (integer or number, optional) is the maximum value of the parameter, for numeric parameters.

For more information about parameters, see Parameter types.